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Boyer is, without question, a serious talent and a composer to watch.


Boyer can set a scene or create a mood rapidly and unambiguously; he writes with great flair for big orchestras. His manifest destiny is to compose music for Hollywood blockbusters.

— BBC Music Magazine

Boyer’s writing draws from the traditions of Williams-esque Hollywood film scores, Broadway musicals, and American neo-Romanticism.

— The Boston Globe

Peter Boyer’s Ellis Island: The Dream of America is a work of rare authenticity and directness. Boyer’s music ... does the job with consistent emotional sweep.

— Los Angeles Times

Boyer writes in a fluent, powerful style that fuses conservative American currents with Hollywood-ish size and populist sentiment.

— Gramophone

Peter Boyer’s Ellis Island: The Dream of America has become one of the most-played recent American works for orchestra… it’s well crafted and emotionally resonant.

— The Dallas Morning News

Film Music

Hollywood Studio Symphony and Choir
Sony Scoring Stage
Los Angeles

Concert Music

London Philharmonic Orchestra
Abbey Road Studio 1